Client testimonials

Niamh Thorpe, Capability Development Leader, Roche (Formerly)

Project: Regulatory Submission Capability

“Engaging Neil was a transformative experience for our organization. We grappled with the intricate task of integrating two separate regulatory submission capabilities in the pharmaceutical sector. Neil's unique approach, collaborative style, and adaptability set him apart.

The frustration of not knowing where to start was replaced by Neil's skill in breaking down the complex vision into manageable aspects. Unlike other consultants, Neil's process felt organic, and his proactive guidance throughout the collaboration, from whiteboard discussions to slide deck creation, was invaluable.

The pivotal moment came in November 2018 during a presentation in Basel. Neil's guidance secured crucial approval, propelling the project into the implementation phase. Neil left us with a well-crafted strategy, a well-defined proposal, and a clear and structured plan to implement. Neil's role as a guide and gatekeeper ensured focused priorities and prevented unnecessary diversions.

Personally, working with Neil was a highlight of my career. His collaborative approach and ability to bring out the best in each team member were instrumental in shaping the project for success."

Margot Morton, Director of Commercial and Business Development, My Emergency Doctor (formerly)

Project: Evaluation of After-Hours services in Eastern Melbourne

The business required a professional and independent evaluation of the service completed for a Commonwealth funded client. My team and I were too close to the project to be objective.

Engaging Neil to complete the evaluation for the client was the best decision. Neil has a wealth of knowledge and experience within Healthcare at a Commonwealth, State and Local Government level. Neil understood the brief immediately and was able to commence a scope of work, provide an estimate in both time and investment. The proposal was within budget, and the timeline would position the business well within expectations.

The finished Evaluation was accepted by the client and presented to government and accepted as the results and recommendations that were expected.

As a Senior Executive in ANZ Healthcare, I would highly recommend Neil Deacon as a consultant. I thoroughly enjoy working with Neil and I am sure I will engage him for further consultancy requirements now and into the future.